The Municipality of West Perth has a Rzone Policy that sets expectations for behaviour at our facilities and sports fields and in our parks and programs. The “R” in Rzone stands for respect and responsibility:
- Respect for yourself and others
- Responsibility for your actions
Why do we need Rzone?
Incidents of bullying, violence, vandalism and discriminatory behaviour have unfortunately risen over the past number of years. Prior to Rzone, no municipal by-law or policy existed that provided staff with clear direction and authority to deal with issues that were not clearly criminal behaviours requiring police involvement. Rzone contributes to safer, healthier and more respectful recreation environments.
The goal of the Rzone policy is to promote a positive, safe and supportive environment in all the Municipality of West Perth’s buildings, facilities, programs, parks and trails.
R you in the Zone?
The RZone policy applies to all community organizations and individuals using the Municipality of West Perth’s buildings, facilities, programs, parks and trails.
What type of incidents can and should be reported?
All forms of violence, vandalism or inappropriate behaviour are unacceptable on Municipal properties, in facilities or programs. Examples of some incidents that can and should be reported include but are not limited to:
- Aggressive or intimidating approaches to another individual (verbal assault)
- Threats
- Attempts to goad or incite anger in others
- Throwing of articles in a deliberate or aggressive manner
- Physical striking of another individual
- Theft of property
- Possession of weapons
- Illegal consumption of alcohol or drugs
- Contravention of Municipal by-laws, policies, or procedures
- Vandalism: the deliberate destruction, damage or defacing of property owned or leased through the Municipality
- Harassment: “engaging in a course of vexatious comment or conduct that is known or ought reasonably to be known to be unwelcome” as defined by the Ontario Human Rights Code.
- Social Media: Any social media posts deemed to be threatening or malicious in regards to a person, sport or event within a Municipality of West Perth owned facility.
How do I report an incident?
For best and timely resolutions, incidents should be reported within 24 hours. All information is kept confidential.
Report it:
- To the municipal staff member or community group in charge if they are present during the incident
- Complete the Rzone Incident Report
- By email
The report will be logged by Municipal staff and will either be dealt with directly by the Municipality or forwarded on to the appropriate group/organization for follow up. The nature and degree of discipline will be determined by the severity of the situation. Read our Rzone Brochure for more information.